Thursday, November 26, 2009

Koh Samui

Holy shit! What a crazy place Thailand is. Flight over was long but everything went smoothly and our bags amazingly met us at the airport in Bangkok after a 23 hour journey. We had an escort waiting to take us to our airport hotel from some much needed Zs. The next day we got back on another short flight down to a dirty town named Surat Thani where we caught a ferry ride over to the Island of Ko Samui. That was another full day of travelling but everything went smooth yet again. We just spent the day cruising around the Island on a scooter (rented for 6bucks for 24hours). Gas was sold by the glass bottle. Driving is close to chaos and pretty dangerous if you dont keep your head up. Definately a 2 person job if you are rookies like Ellen and I. Food is sooo tasty. Never thought a fresh mango could taste so good - and i never used to like them!! Grilled corn and fish skewers on the beach, mistery meat skewers from the market, fresh seafood, rice, coconut milk everywhere!!! Everything is so delicious I can't wait for my next meal. We also went to a zoo today. Saw some amazing aquatic creatures, monkeys, elephant, leopards, and got my pic taken with bengal tiger!!! Trying to stay up late for the next few nights to get ready for crazy full-moon party next week. Gotta go!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you & Ellen are on an interesting adventure Kris. The food does sound great. If its anything like the thai food we can get in the clock tower mall im in. Gas sold by the glass bottle....bengal tigers, pretty different imagery than what we are used to up here in Canada. Keep writing - it's interesting to hear about your adventures Kris. Take care. Peace, Tara
